Kujambula kwa laser, kuyeretsa, kuwotcha ndi zilembo

Pezani mawundege
Chida Chachipatala Zosinthira Zabwino

Chida Chachipatala Zosinthira Zabwino

Kugwiritsa ntchito laser kukhetsa m'makampani ogulitsa mankhwala

Zolemba zimasindikizidwa pa gawo lalikulu la chida chilichonse chachipatala. Chikumbutso chimapereka mbiri ya komwe ntchito idapangidwa ndipo imatha kuwongolera mtsogolo. Zolemba nthawi zambiri zimaphatikizapo chizindikiritso cha wopanga, kupanga maeti ndi zida zomwe. All medical device manufacturers are required to place permanent and traceable marks on their products for a number of reasons, including product liability and safety.

Malangizo a World Azadziko Lonse amafunikira zida ndi opanga kuti azindikiridwe ndi zilembo. Kuphatikiza apo, zilembo ziyenera kuperekedwa m'njira yodziwika bwino ya anthu, koma zimatha kuperekedwa ndi chidziwitso chowerenga makina. Almost all types of medical products must be labeled, including implants, surgical instruments and disposable products, including intubations, catheters and hoses.

Zizindikiro za Chitha

Zizindikiro za laser ya fiber ndiye ukadaulo woyenera kwambiri wa zida zopanda chilema. Fiber laser labeled products can be appropriately identified and tracked throughout their life cycle, improving patient safety, simplifying product recalls and improving market research. Laser marking is suitable for identifying marks on medical devices such as orthopaedic implants, medical supplies and other medical devices because the marks are resistant to corrosion and withstand intense sterilization processes, including centrifugation and autoclaving processes that require high temperatures to obtain sterile surfaces.

Chida chazachipatala chazachipatala (2)
Chida chachipatala chosinthira (1)
Chida chazachipatala chazachipatala (4)
Chida chazachipatala (3)

Fiber laser marking is an alternative to etching or engraving treatments, both of which alter the microstructure of the material and can lead to changes in strength and hardness. Because fiber laser marking is non-contact engraving and works quickly, parts do not have to undergo the stress and possible damage that other marking solutions can cause. Ofunda ofunda ozizira okutidwa "amakula" pamwamba; Simuyenera kusungunuka.

Kumva kuti ndi msika wa biliyoni wa biliyoni. Fiber laser marking machines provide UDI that distinguishes manufacturer, product era and serial number, which helps combat counterfeit suppliers. Zida ndi zida zachinyengo nthawi zambiri zimagulitsidwa pamitengo yotsika koma yokayikitsa. Izi sizimangoyambitsa odwala pachiwopsezo, komanso zimakhudzanso kukhulupirika kwa mtundu wa wopanga.

Makina osonyeza ku Chuke akupatseni ntchito yabwino kwambiri
